Block & Block Time
The time needed to create new blocks in a blockchain is called block time.
Block times are not the same for every cryptocurrency. Some protocols support faster block times than others. Depending on the blockchain network, a new block is mined in a matter of seconds or it can take a few minutes to be generated.
Many major blockchain networks, like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash, are based on the proof of work mining algorithm. These protocols change their mining difficulty every time a set number of blocks is mined. The difficulty is increased or decreased so that the average block time remains the same.
Block time essentials
- Block time is the average time needed to mine a new block.
- Blockchain networks have different block times.
- Block times range from a matter of seconds to a few minutes.
- With proof-of-work-based blockchains, the block time is maintained close to a constant value by re-evaluating the mining difficulty.
- Block times of major blockchains
- There are two types of block times that you should be familiar with. The one you will come across most often is expected block time. As the name suggests, it is the expected time required to generate a new block. This number is pre-determined for every blockchain.
Exp. block time of some of the known Blockchains
- Bitcoin: 10 min
- Ethereum: 10–19 s
- Litecoin: 2.5 min
- Bitcoin Cash: 10 min
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Mining difficulty
Mining difficulty measures how hard it is to find the hash for a given difficulty target. The higher the target is set, the longer a miner requires to discover the hash for a given target. The mining difficulty target is re-calculated automatically based on how much computing power is available in the network in total. This is done to enable new blocks to be mined at a constant rate.
If the average block time is faster than the expected block time – usually due to new miners joining and more computing power becoming available in the network –, the difficulty is increased, so that the average block time becomes slower. It also works the other way around if the total computing power in the network is diminished.
In the case of Bitcoin, the level of difficulty is re-evaluated every 2016 blocks or approximately every two weeks. When Satoshi Nakamoto generated the first block in 2009, the mining difficulty was 1. At the time of writing, it amounts to about 20 trillion. If the difficulty in 2009 were as high as it is today, it would take Nakamoto millions of years to mine a new block.
Generally speaking, faster block times are more appropriate for applications for which it is important that information is added to the blockchain quickly. Slower block times, on the other hand, are more appropriate, for instance, when security is more important than speed.