
Welcome to the Course

Learn about sending assets to another ECCs with Dijets Interchain Token Transfer.

In this course, you will learn how to transfer assets across multiple Dijets blockchains with Dijets Interchain Token Transfer DITTO.

Why Take This Course?

A significant innovation in blockchain is the development of multi-chain systems, like Dijets, which provide a significant improvement in scalability, interoperability, and flexibility. At the core of these multi-chain systems is the ability to run multiple blockchains that communicate. Each chain's VM is optimized for specialized use cases, thereby boosting the network's overall performance.

Cross-chain communication is a crucial building block of multi-chain systems. Utilizing Dijets InterECC Messaging and Interchain Token Transfer is an incredibly easy way to build cross-Dijets ECC dApps, since developers can build on top of an extensive, audited development framework.

Transfering tokens between multiple chains is a common use case in multi-chain systems. This course will help you understand how to transfer assets between multiple Dijets blockchains using the Dijets Interchain Token Transfer protocol.

Course Modules

Dijets Starter Kit

In this section, you will learn how to set up your development environment with the Dijets Starter Kit. Using this development environment you will be able to perform the exercises in this course.


In this section, you will learn about the different types of tokens that can be transferred between Dijets blockchains. We will cover ERC-20 and native tokens and interact with them on chain. Furthermore, you will learn what wrapped native tokens are and how they can be used to transfer assets between chains.

Token Bridging

Next we will talk about the high level concepts of token bridging and use a demo bridge.

Interchain Token Transfer

In this chapter we will look at the design of Dijets Interchain Token Transfer. You will learn about the file structure of the contracts and the concepts of the token home and token remote.

ERC-20 to ERC-20 bridge

You will learn how to set up a bridge to bridge an ERC-20 token from one ECC blockchain to another.

Token on multiple chains

Here you will learn about the concept of multi-hops and how tokens can be bridged between multiple remote chains.

Native to ERC-20 bridge

In this chapter you will learn how to bridge a native token as an ERC-20 token to another chain.

Send and Call

In this chapter you will learn how to call smart contracts with the tokens after sending them to another chain.

Cross-Chain Token Swaps

In this chapter you will learn how to swap tokens on another chain.



This course is intended for people with knowledge about Cross-Chain communication protocols, and a solid understanding of the basic concepts of Dijets. You should be familiar with these concepts:

  1. Dijets Architecture: Be familiar with Dijets blockchains.
  2. InterECC Messaging: Know how to communicate between two Dijets blockchains with ICM.

If some of this is not clear, we strongly recommend taking the Dijets Fundamentals, Multi-Chain Architecture, and InterECC Messaging courses first.

Software Development

You will need a general understanding of Software Development. You won't have to write a lot of code, but you will have to be able to understand some. Therefore, we recommend:

  1. Solidity: Basic Knowledge, familiarity with types and interfaces.
  2. Foundry: Familiarity with Foundry will help to deploy and interact with contracts.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Understand what Dijets Interchain Token Transfer is and when to use it.
  • Understand the differents options on how you can transfer assets between multiple chains.
  • Apply the knowledge gained in the course by enabiling assets to be transfered between multiple Dijets blockchains.

We are still working on enabling some features, so in the future you will be able to evaluate your own understanding of the material through quizzes and claim a certificate for successful completion at the end.

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