
Configure Native Token

Learn about how to configure your native token.

Let's create a new Dijets ECC and spend some more attention on how we can configure our native token. So let's run again dijets blockchain create mydijetschain2. We will pick again Subnet-EVM as our Virtual Machine. However, this time we will not use the default settings:

? Do you want to use default values for the Blockchain configuration?: 
    I want to use defaults for a test environment
    I want to use defaults for a production environment
 I don't want to use default values
    Explain the difference

Choose to use the latest version of Subnet-EVM and pick a ChainID different from your first subnet (e.g. 8888).

Next you can select a custom token symbol.

Now, we have configured our own token. In the next step we will look at the inital token allocation.

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